Technology of microcapsules for immobilisation of active substances is offered

A team of Polish scientists has developed a microencapsulation method that may be implemented in pharmaceutics as well as in the food industry. Microcapsules immobilise active substances, can mask their flavour and odour, and shield them from external factors (their environment). A cooperation in the form of either commercial agreement with technical assistance or licence agreement is offered.
A research team that works at a university located in northwestern Poland and specialises in immobilisation and packaging methods, has developed a technology of microencapsulation. The offered solution enables immobilisation of various active substances such as biologically-active enzymes, living cells etc. Another type of substances that can be immobilised using the technology is functional food additives. The offered microencapsulation technology combines well-established industrial processes with innovative solutions for creating capsules. In the processes of microcapsules production and immobilisation only natural substances are used, so that the technology can be safely implemented in the food and the pharmaceutical industries as well as in the medicine and other branches. The utilisation of various physicochemical methods enables the production of microcapsules with specific properties desired by a partner and making adjustments to his individual needs and requirements. The scientists would like to see their invention implemented and used in a commercial production. To that end, they are looking for a partner that will acquire the technology, introduce it into his production process and further improve it under the commercial agreement with technical assistance. They are also ready to licence the technology to a partner that will use it to manufacture his product. The scientists, in turn, will be responsible for providing the technical documentation necessary for the technology transfer. They are also ready to lend their expertise in adapting the technology to partners' requirements. If requested, they can also help to develop it further.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
Commercial agreement with technical assistance: - Field of partner's activity: food and pharmaceutical industry, - Type of partner sought: food and pharmaceuticals manufacturers - Role of partner sought: buying technology and starting production based on the offered solution, with support of the scientists. License agreement: - Field of partner's activity: food and pharmaceutical industry; - Type of partner sought: food and pharmaceuticals manufacturers; - Role of partner sought: buying a license and starting production based on the offered technology.
Stage of Development: 
Prototype available for demonstration
Comments Regarding Stage of Development: 
- The technology is ready for implementation. - The prototype can be adjusted to partners requirements.
IPR Status: 
Patents granted
Comments Regarding IPR Status: 
Polish and European patents granted.
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