Spanish research and development centre specialized in ICTs (information and communication technologies) is looking for industrial companies interested in licensing and further developing an innovative tracking and alerting technology. The system main application field is emergency management as it locates and communicates with people deployed in interventions. The cooperation will be in form of a license or a commercial agreement with technical assistance.
The Spanish (Basque) R&D centre’s main task is to carry out industrial research projects in close collaboration with the R&D departments of the companies. Founded in 1982, the centre promotes excellence in applied research through the publication of non-confidential results and participation in scientific and technical dissemination forums, as well as doctoral training within the framework of industrial research projects.
The newly designed technology is a tracking and alert system for firefighters and security people involved in emergency situations. It locates, guides and communicates with those people deployed in the interventions, not only in outdoor scenarios, but also in indoor brigade scenarios, with one brigade leader and several firefighters under his/her command.
It is composed of one node per person, one communication gateway per brigade, one tablet per brigade for the mobile application and one ICP (Internet Communications Platform) application for the command post. The nodes have EGNSS (European Global Navigation Satellite System), IMU (Inertial Measuring Units) Pedestrian Dead Reckoning and UWB (Ultra Wide Band) inter-distance sensor with no fixed infrastructure deployed for them. This system is completed with a very innovative fusion algorithm for the estimation of the position of every node with no need to know the buildings in advance.
The Brigade leader can track the first responders on his/her command and receive alerts and monitoring data from every one of them into his/her mobile application to decide which is the best and safest move to do. The same information is received in the Incident Command Post for all the brigades.
The system provides the location of the first responders of the fire brigades (or any other emergency services and polices) in outdoor and indoor situations. It also establishes a stable data communication among the brigades to provide the location and each node monitoring information for better decision on the safety of the people deployed. The location of every person has a good precision in indoor or outdoor scenarios due to the innovative fusion of several technologies with specific sensors (with no installed infrastructure) and configurations. This information and the alerts generated are transferred into a mobile and visual application for the brigade leader and into the Incident Command Post application by configurable communication systems (network and or point to point solutions). In exchange, the command can complete this information with external data and propose safer and more efficient steps for the positive conclusion of the intervention.
The Spanish centre is looking for a company interested in boosting this system’s TRL level from 6-7 to 9. The company may make this on its own through a license agreement or in collaboration with the Research Centre through a commercial agreement with technical assistance to bring the product to the market after the certifications are obtained.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The R&D center is looking for partners of any size in the field of telecommunications and electronics that would be interested in boosting the TRL level of the system from 6-7 to 9. From these partners, the Center expects intererest on the development of the system and a later explotation of it. So, the partner sought could make the development on its own through a license agreement. Another possible partnership could be a commercial agreement with technical assistance with the interested company so that the consortium could continue the development of the system and, eventually, bring the product to the market.
Stage of Development:
Field tested/evaluated
Comments Regarding Stage of Development:
The first stable version of the prototype for the whole system has been tested by first responders in Spain, the Netherlands and Belgium. Improvements have been already identified for further designs and the testing could be repeated in the same facilities as fire brigades are included in the exploitation agreement of the consortium that has developed the first version.
IPR Status:
Design Rights,Other
Comments Regarding IPR Status:
An exploitation agreement is signed by the partners that have developed the first stable prototype of the system, where there are research centers, technological SMEs and first responders.
The agreement establishes that further development could be based on the integration of other participants in the development of further versions.
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