A Turkish manufacturing company dealing with stainless steel anatomy and morgue equipments is seeking commercial agency and distribution services agreements

A Turkish manufacturing company dealing with stainless steel anatomy and morgue equipment is offering complete solutions by using innovative disassembled technology. The products that the company offers are not assembled by using welding for stopping bacterial reproduction. The company is seeking a commercial agency or distribution services agreement.
The company has its origins in Ankara/Turkey and has been in the branch for over 20 years. The company's overall business proposal is to develop manufacture and sell products for forensic equipment & autopsy devices, the products are developed to secure the working environment for healthcare personnel and improve the external environment. The company is experienced in drawing the projects of anatomy room equipment and forensic equipment according to the building projects of its customers and making the necessary engineering calculations for efficient operation. The company specialized in morgue unit and forensic products. In the area where the morgue units will be located, the heat loads from the engines are calculated and necessary measures are taken for the efficient operation of the morgue units. Also, the liquid barrier system that prevents the formaldehyde chemical found in cadaver storage pools, stops leakings into the environment. This system prevents the users from inhaling formaldehyde. The company's products based on demand: - Autopsy table - Morgue units - Funeral transport carts - Ventilation and lighting units - Cadaver storage pools - Cadaver storage cabinets - Embalming devices - Dissection tables for anatomy chairs Moreover, the company manufactures stainless steel operating room and sterilization equipment such as: - Mayo table - Falcate table - Instrument tool pallet - Dressing trolley - Operating room port tub - Surgery stillage bath - Scrub sink - Doctor hand washing unit The Turkish company is primarily seeking commercial agency and distribution services partners, who are passionate to improve the working environment for healthcare personnel, in order to expand its business to the European market.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
TYPE OF PARTNERS: Seeking partnerships from companies and organizations producing medical equipment and companies that sell products made of stainless steel. THE ACTIVITIES OF PARTNERS: Partners must actively guide the sales process until signing agreements with customers and provide after-market sales, including service activities. ROLE OF PARTNERS: For both commercial agents and distributors, partners must have knowledge of regulation aspects in the medical area. Their products should be recognized in the country and they must have technical service for the products, especially in disassembled technology.
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