This UK SME has developed an innovative technology for managing the integrity of water pipes in water utility networks and industrial water systems. The technology quickly stops the flow of water leaks – identifying and repairing leaks without the need for extensive site excavation nor causing network disruption. The company are seeking to work with partner organisations that specialise in water network management via commercial agency agreements and licences.
This engineering company was established in 2019 to develop new technologies for the water utilities market. Founded by a team who share an in-depth technical know-how in managing the integrity of utility pipes and preventing failures. The company was launched to create a technology that predicts the site of a breach in the pipe and efficiently repair leaking water pipes.
The leakage of water from utility pipes is a known and widespread problem. It is estimated that in the UK that there are over 59,000 bursts every year in mains water pipes. These bursts lead to over 1.1 trillion litres of water being lost annually.
The current methods used by the utility companies for identifying the precise location and repairing a leak, requires that the pipes are dug up and replaced. This is, difficult, expensive, leading to disruption of the water utility network that risks contamination of the pipes with external material.
The innovation that this company has developed is an improved method of sealing leaks in water pipes which addresses the problems associated with the methods described above. Using their innovative leak remediation sealant.
The sealant is loaded into the pipe contained between two foam pigs*, and is moved to the approximate site of a leak. Once at the site of the leak pressure is applied by closing a downstream valve and the sealant exits through fractures and fissures in the pipe to bind the surrounding earth and seal the fracture pipe. The leak is immediately repaired and the pigs can be removed. Any residual sealant is then flushed through the pipe and will not block taps or drains. The sealant is nontoxic and certified safe for use in the drinking water supply.
*(a pig is a form of foam seal used to isolate parts of a pipe this method contains and prevents the sealant from being diluted before it reaches the breach in the pipe)
The leak remediation technology works on any type of pipe that is buried and has been adapted from proven technology applied in the oil and gas sector, where it has been successfully used for many years.
The company is currently delivering their leak remediation technologies to one of the UKs largest water companies. They wish to replicate their success in the UK in global territories. They envisage working with partner organisations who currently work in the maintenance of the water network infrastructure via commercial agency agreements or licence agreements.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The company provide a product to aid water companies reduce waste through leaking, with out the need for significant site excavation. They are seeking global partners who are specialist utilities maintenance companies or companies specialising in the maintenance of industrial water pipeline repair through commercial agency agreements or licence agreements.
Technical Specification or Expertise Sought:
The company is offering a simple engineering solutions within the utility and industrial water distribution sector. They are providing a product to aid water companies reduce waste through leaking, and so are seeking to partner with utilities companies or companies specialising in pipeline repair through commercial agency agreements or licence agreements.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
IPR Status:
Secret Know-how,Granted patent or patent application essential,Trade Marks
Comments Regarding IPR Status:
A patent has been filed and is pending grant
External code: