UK based manufacturer of colour coded syringe trays for anaesthetic use in operating theatres requests European distributors

CommercialVeľká BritániaBOUK20200609002
A manufacturer based in the UK is looking for European distributors of medical devices or consumables for their innovative colour coded syringe trays. The trays are for use in operating theatres by anaesthetists supporting the AAGBI & RCoA colour coded labelling system to deliver a safe environment for the transportation, delivery and administration of anaesthetic drugs. They are seeking European distribution agreements.
The colour coded anaesthetic syringe trays are for use by anaesthetists supporting the AAGBI & RCoA colour coded labelling system. The trays provide a secure, clean and systematic carrier for drawn up syringes to support the anaesthetist and reduce the occurance of misadministration. The products are also bacteriostatic, meaning that viruses do not attach themselves and therefore do not multiply on the surfaces. This company delivers healthcare innovations specifically driven by a need to improve standards, working conditions and patient safety. This company would like to find European distributors of medical devices or consumables for a distribution agreement.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
This company would like to find European distributors of medical devices or consumables for a distribution agreement. In return the partner can expect product training and marketing support.
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
External code: 