A UK company specialised in soil manufacture has developed a biowaste composting monitoring system & a wireless temperature sensor against fire.The technology measures aerobic decomposition process of organic matter by analysing temperature, moisture, oxygen & carbon dioxide levels. Through better monitoring, organisations can reduce composting time, increase productivity, reduce cost & fire risks, and comply with waste management European requirements. The company is looking for distributors.
As part of the monitoring requirement and under the section BAT 36 (Best Available Techniques under industrial emissions directive 2010/75/EU), the processes and holder of a waste management permit must comply with the need to monitor analysing temperature, moisture, oxygen O₂, & carbon dioxide CO₂ levels. This data should then be used as part of the process to control and maintain the optimum conditions within the biological system.
The UK company specialised in soil manufacture and manufacturing of monitoring devices for the waste industry, has developed a monitoring technology for use in the recycling of organic wastes. The electronic device has been designed to measure key parameters including temperature, moisture, oxygen O₂, & carbon dioxide CO₂ within the composting process and meet with industry legislation – and this throughout Europe. Data collected by the device is then interrogated by the algorithms which in turn provide advice to the user to optimise the compost process to improve effectiveness and reduce costs.
Within the waste industry, the risk of fire has become a key factor as the recycling of these wastes is processed within buildings as opposed to being dumped in a landfill. The company has created a wireless temperature sensor that detect temperature changes specifically around measuring temperatures which can then be sent remotely to the user to alert them prior to a fire starting.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The company is looking for companies willing to act as distributors and resellers and who are already supplying the waste industry. The UK company would like to sign a reseller or distributor agreement.
Technical Specification or Expertise Sought:
Looking for a partner with expertise and connections in the waste industry.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
IPR Status:
Secret Know-how
Comments Regarding IPR Status:
None of the IP is patented but the software is secured and protected.
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