A UK company working in the life sciences offers solutions for companies/researchers working with clinical diagnostic software who wish to more swiftly and effectively exploit their current data - particularly where regulatory compliance is needed. They are seeking partners wishing to accelerate and improve their existing IT applications via commercial agreement with technical assistance. They will also consider joint venture, license or research co-operation agreements.
Medical diagnostic companies can waste valuable time re-developing supporting IT for diagnostic software that could be better spent on the important diagnostic/scientific parts of the project.
A UK company provides a backbone for such diagnostic software that will fit into a regulatory validation pathway to accelerate deployment of complete applications. The company save a significant amount of time for clients by allowing them to focus on the components that add commercial/clinical value, rather than the underlying “plumbing” that is largely similar for all applications. Typical custom components are the UI (User Interface), algorithm and reporting.
The company possess domain knowledge, validation skills, clinical networks and experience with a range of diagnostic medical devices, data mining and algorithmic projects.
They are seeking SMEs or research groups that have novel diagnostic applications and technologies, but lack extensive IT expertise to run these within a modern IT infrastructure that simplifies maintenance and deployment costs. They are seeking partners to employ their product and expertise via commercial agreement with technical assistance but would also like to hear from potential partners seeking a license arrangement, joint venture or possibly a research co-operation agreement.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
They are seeking SMEs or research groups that have novel diagnostic applications and technologies, but lack extensive IT expertise to run these within a modern IT infrastructure. Agreements can be solely commercial, joint ventures, license arrangements or research collaborations.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
IPR Status:
External code: