UK company running a human tissue bank which includes cellular therapy, umbilical cord blood and tissue processing seeks overseas distributors and commercial agents

CommercialVeľká BritániaBOUK20210611001
UK company with extensive experience in running a human tissue bank providing both tissue and cellular therapy processing and storage to medical organisations and companies around the world is looking for overseas distributors and agents. The tissue, primarily bone and tendons, is generally provided for the treatment of injuries and cellular therapies, blood and marrow products are provided to treat blood cancers and privately stored for individual use in the future.
The UK company was established in 2003 and is well recognised both in the UK and internationally. Overseas partners are being sought who will find customers who need products stored and processed (mostly under license). This may include families, hospitals and transplant services in addition to partners collecting on their behalf. The company also processes and stores umbilical cord blood and tissue which is a large part of its business. When a child is born the umbilical cord and blood contained within the cord and placenta are routinely discarded. It is however, possible to collect the blood and cord itself for processing and storage to isolate the stem cells contained within. Cellular therapies derived from umbilical cord blood (UCB) and starting materials from umbilical cord tissue (UCT) are currently the primary products processed and stored. UCB is routinely issued as a clinical treatment (from both public and private cord blood banks) and the company has issued 12 privately stored units for clinical treatment. However, UCT is still developing as a product and has only been offered in the market as a product by the company since 2012. The company has been transformed over the past 8 years by using a specialist marketing company to go direct to customers in the UK, Europe and the Middle East. The company is seeking partnerships through commercial agency and distribution agreements.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The company is looking for distributors and commercial agents with strong and established links to some or any of the following: hospitals, doctors, surgeons, the general public and potentially insurance companies. The role will be to promote, represent and collect the products in the medical sector on behalf of the UK company. The UK company welcomes initial information being provided from potential distributors in considering any distributor agreement, this will include the type of products being processed and stored by the distributor, how many each month or year and information about regulatory requirements and how the distributor fulfils these in their local territory. The UK company will want to know what insurance a partner has for procurement and transportation. It is possible to launch under a distributor's own brand or use the UK company's brand under this arrangement. A commercial agency arrangement will be considered where the agent will be entitled to commission for introducing a client to the UK company.
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
External code: 