UK company that supplies a sustainable, non hazardous biocide for use in commercial and domestic swimming pools, spas and hydrotherapy pools seeks distributors.

CommercialVeľká BritániaBOUK20210602002
UK company that supplies an innovative chlorine free sustainable, non hazardous biocide and oxidising product to clean and sanistise a variety of leisure pools is seeking distribution partners under a distribution services agreement.
The UK company that owns the rights to a safer and greener solution that is more effective in cleaning all forms of pools and spas and kills more germs than the use of chlorine. Germ killing and controlling properties of metals have been used for thousands of years. Roman soldiers kept their water fresh with a silver coin in the flask whilst today silver plasters, silver treated fabrics and copper door handles in hospitals are all used to kill bacteria. More recently, copper and silver have shown to be highly effective against Covid 19. The products contain not just copper and silver but also gold, aluminium, zinc and this blend of metals prevents the growth of pathogens. Rather than using a traditional in-situ ionising system such as may be found in closed water systems, the base ingredients are produced from the elements and blended during the manufacturing process. Because the ions are in a liquid form they can be added quickly and easily by an automated dosing system, as demand requires The three solutions offered are either a total change from cholorination of pools to their main product which is composed not only of a non hazardous biocide but also an oxidiser. Alternatively another solution allows for a 75% reduction in the use of chlorine within pools. The company also provide a range of dosing and testing kits. The company is seeking distribution partners under a distribution services agreement. The partners would need to provide an effective representation for the company with on site visits to their chain of clients.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
Potential partners will already supply pool cleaning solutions and have either an existing client base who may be looking for more effective ways to kill bacteria post Covid or alternatively be seeking a chlorine free cleaning solution. Their partners clients would typically be hotel chains with pools/spas, health spa chains, health club chains, domestic sites or any other venues that require effective safe pool cleaning. The company is looking to work with distribution partners under a distribution services agreement.
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
IPR Status: 
Secret Know-how,Design Rights,Patent(s) applied for but not yet granted,Trade Marks,Exclusive Rights,Copyright
External code: 