The UK company is offering economic and commercial development support to enable organisations in the private, public, and not for profit sectors to locate in the UK under an outsourcing or subcontracting agreement.
The company which was established in 2005 has worked with clients based in the UK and overseas.
Its client portfolio spans organisations in the private and public sector and includes publicly funded bodies in the UK and overseas, multinational businesses, and small and medium sized enterprises (SME’s).
The company has helped UK and international clients with lead generation, distribution development, inward investment, event management, economic development, customer acquisition, project/interim management, out-sourced sales resource, feasibility studies.
The company is very interested in cross border activities in the development of the business, such as supporting the location of overseas based businesses in the UK, developing cultural exchange programs, developing exchange programs for knowledge transfer and product innovation.
The company is good at building transparent productive relationships with other organizations. It is actively seeking partnerships with organizations in the hope that mutually beneficial opportunities can be developed.
The company is seeking partners under and outsourcing or subcontracting agreements.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
Partners should have existing relationships with public and private companies who would benefit from strategic and practical support in locating in the UK. The company is looking to work under an outsourcing or subcontracting agreement.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
External code: