A UK company has developed a realistic and dynamic digital simulation relating to the basics of business finance. The company combines a deep experience of financial game simulations with a unique digital platform and together with a collaborative partner have created a product which brings learning to life in a fun and impactful way. It is looking for international partners under licensing agreements or commercial agreements with technical assistance.
The company and its development partner together have more than forty years combined experience of designing and delivering simulations to the world’s leading private and public sector organisations.
The product is a digital virtual reality version of a board game that has been used for almost thirty years with more than 500 companies. It is built on a leading-edge digital platform, that enables fast and easy customisation.
The game provides the fastest and most engaging way to learn business finance. It helps people understand:
• how to run a sustainable and profitable business;
• how to interpret key financial jargon;
• how to adapt to changing market conditions
The simulation content, teaching inputs and session structure can all be customised to meet specific client requirements.
The product is currently available in English, but other translations would be straightforward. It is in the process of being translated into Spanish.
The company is seeking to license out the product or to work with prospective partners under a commercial agreement with technical assistance
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
Typical partners would be established training organanisations who work with clients in the financial sector either with ongoing continuing development of staff or with the on-boarding and training of graduate programmes. The company is looking to either license out the technology or alternatively to work with prospective partners under a commercial agreement with technical assistance.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
IPR Status:
External code: