A leading UK company that provides a range of hand knitting and crochet products and patterns online is seeking new additional suppliers of all grades, weights, ply and colour of yarn, for import into the UK, via supplier agreement. The company has been established for some years but has seen a substantial growth as interest in home crafting expanded during lockdown and seek to expand their range and supply.
A UK company that provides products and patterns to knitters globally is seeking new and additional suppliers of yarn.
The pandemic has had unexpected impacts on businesses in some fields with lockdown resulting in a growing interest in crafts. Knitting and crochet tutorials on the internet have brought a new group of crafters to the hobby which resulted in a major expansion in online demand for wools, patterns, buttons and all associated items. Despite the end of lockdown, the interest from consumers continues resulting in the need for additional suppliers.
They are requiring an increased amount of knitting or crochet wool/yarn, of all grades, ply, colour and weight, and are particularly looking for clearance quantities.
The company is seeking a reliable long term supplier of these yarns via supplier agreement.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
Type: Industry
Activity: Manufacture of yarn and wool
Specific role of partner sought: Supply of products via supplier agreement
Technical Specification or Expertise Sought:
The company is seeking suppliers of hand knitting wool or yarn of all types and colours. They are specifically looking for clearance quantities of yarn and are looking for experienced and reliable suppliers.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
External code: