A UK engineering design company has a developed a remote monitoring device that sits on the test posts of steel oil and gas mains, to monitor cathodic protection and nitrogen sleeve pressures.The device is 4G / IOT enabled and allows new software and new commands to be sent to the device, and to receive data and alarms. Operating on batteries with solar options to extend battery life. The company is looking for distribution partners or companies to manufacture the product under license.
A UK engineering design company, with team skills in multiple areas areas of system design, mechanical, hardware, software design and 3D printing design has developed a remote monitoring device that sits on the test posts of steel oil and gas mains, to monitor cathodic protection and nitrogen sleeve pressures. Cathodic protection (CP) is a technique used to control the corrosion of a metal surface by making it the cathodic side of an electrochemical cell. Nitrgen sleeves are another method of controling pipe corrosion, with nitrogen being kept in a sleeve around the pipe at a set rate of pressure. The device will monitor the rate of corrosion enabling the user to know when repairs or replacement of pipes need to take place, saving costs by not repairing pipes too soon and saving on lost gas by not waiting for a corroded pipe to leak.
The device is 4G / IOT enabled and allows new software and new commands to be sent to the device, and to receive data and alarms. Operating on batteries with solar options to extend battery life. The company is looking for distribution partners or companies to manufacture the product under license.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The company is looking to enter into distribution agreements with companies experienced in gas related industries, or manufacturing companies who would produce the sensor under license
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
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