A well-established UK company, specialising in marine engineering, offers its CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) technology support to ship building and ship design companies. The company is looking to outsource their expertise in design optimisation to vessels designers and manufcturers. The company would offer CFD technical support to design projects for critical elements such as weight saving, performance predictions, stability, reducing emissions and saving fuel.
A well-established UK company specialising in marine engineering, offers its CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) technology support and design optimisation to ship building and ship design companies. The company is looking to collaborate with interested partners under an outsourcing agreement within the maritime sector.
The company offers CFD technical support to design projects for critical elements such as weight saving, performance predictions, reducing emissions and saving fuel. Their CFD methods cover a large variety of flow behaviours and includes free-surface flow, viscous flow, full-scale performance prediction, fluid-structure-interaction and dynamic behaviour.
With over 10 years of verification and validation with model testing in towing tanks and wind tunnels, the company is a leader in flow analysis with an expertise in aerodynamic and hydrodynamic performance. Expert CFD optimisation involves investigating the hull with all its appendages and propeller simultaneously.
Hydrodynamic simulations at full scale including all appendages, the free surface deformation, the dynamic sailing attitude of the yacht, and complex physical phenomena when present, like transition laminar/turbulent flow, cavitation, ventilation, sprays.
Hydrodynamic simulations are run with multiple degrees of freedom. i.e. with 6 degree-of-freedom, fully balancing the yacht with the aerodynamic forces. Motions of the vessel can be simulated for incoming waves of any direction, including surfing down a wave if possible. There are no restrictions on the amplitude of the motion, including capsize event where possible. Fluid Structure Interaction for lifting foils and other structures can be analysed.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The company is looking for an outsourcing agreement with ship building and ship design companies across Europe to support for design projects to improve efficiency, increase performance and reduce emissions.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
External code: