UK marketing company offers subcontracting services to manufactures of innovative packaging for food and drink products

CommercialVeľká BritániaBOUK20210128002
This UK company is an outsourced sales and marketing company. The company has a strong presence in the UK, as well as international experience with clients from a range of countries including France, Germany, and Slovenia. The company is looking to represent under a subcontracting agreement with European manufacturers of innovative food and drink packaging. The company is looking for packaging partners to help under subcontracting in terms of brand management and sales/marketing.
This UK based company was established in 2007 and works on behalf of clients both in the UK and overseas. The company assists clients to supply into the Brewing, on trade and the hotel, restaurant, and catering sectors. The range of companies that they work alongside continues to grow and they now have a full portfolio of clients throughout Europe. The company is now offering subcontracting services for manufacturers of innovative food and drink packaging. The company have a strong sales and marketing presence for clients which is particularly beneficial for non-UK companies as their presence in the UK will be increased at a much-reduced cost to directly employing staff. The role of the company would be to facilitate and support the business in matters including marketing and business logistics as well as supply chain management, brand management, packaging design and event management. The company prides itself on saving clients time & money, and the steps involved with directly employing Sales and Marketing Staff. The company has international experience with clients in Scandinavia, Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Serbia, and Slovenia. The company are looking for companies that manufacture innovative food and drink packaging and require support to find more partners. The Company is looking to offer subcontracting services in this industry as they pride their business model on offering a lower cost alternative to directly employing individuals across the UK. Through this form of agreement, the company is able to support clients in areas such as controlling labour costs and limiting the need for capital investment.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The company are looking for manufacturers of innovative packaging for food and drinks. The partners would be expected to provide product and technical knowledge of their packaging and could be involved in packaging areas such as crowns, caps, labels, point of sales etc. The company are looking to be a subcontractor and can assist in matters such as supply chain management, brand management, sales and marketing.
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
External code: 