A French SME providing expert imaging technologies is looking for commercial agents

09.07.2021Published 1337 days ago
The SME is based in the Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur region of France. It was created by an engineer in imaging solutions. It has developed an innovative expert and technical imaging solution that entails hardware (devices to capture photos, mobile studios) and services (for photo processing: realization of 3D digital models, content enrichment, digitalization using reflectance transformation imaging, which allows to "play" with the lightning when looking at the object on a screen) including web services.

French producer of craft ciders is looking for distributors abroad

08.07.2021Published 1338 days ago
Established since 1955, the company from Brittany has become a premium French leader craft ciders producer thanks to a strong know-how and high quality products. Its brand offers a wide range of ciders and flavours, as well as an organic reference and apple juices.

French SME offers inductions heating products for distribution

07.07.2021Published 1339 days ago
This company is specialised in production, design and development of heating equipment, based on induction. They work in the field of mechanics, aeronautics, defense, railway, as well as in the field of production processes for chemistry, cosmetics, food, beverage markets. Their customers are industrial producers, tools and special purpose machines manufacturers, as well as OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer).

French expert in urban greening is looking for a partner producing plants under a supplier agreement in the Netherlands

07.07.2021Published 1339 days ago
The French company aims to achieve a more direct sourcing of its main work material, plants, along with products shipments from the Netherlands to France.

French nautical and home outdoor cushions equipment producer is seeking a foam material blocks producer under supplier agreement

06.07.2021Published 1340 days ago
The French SME is a contributor to the French outdoor seating market for individuals (30% of turnover) and boat manufacturers (70% of turnover). Located on the Atlantic coast, the company produces a full range of outdoor seats merchandise such as saddles for nautical equipment, custom-made cushions, mattresses, curtains. Moreover, all the nautical equipment are made with materials specially designed for the marine environment such as textiles that do not deform, colors that do not fade, high resistance to UV, sand and rain. The company would like to relocate its supplier in Europe.

A French software company, that developed an innovative cybersecurity risks management solution, is looking to establish a commercial agency or license agreement with a consulting firm

05.07.2021Published 1341 days ago
The French SME is a software editor which benefits from more than 20 years of expertise in cybersecurity. Well established in France, the company is looking to grow internationally and is currently looking for consulting firms able to prescribe its solution, through a commercial agency, or to use it for in name of their Clients, under a license agreement. Candidates should be certified ISO standard 27001 and 21434. In priority, it is looking for partners in the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain and Italy. Cybersecurity risks are usually managed in-house on excel sheets.

French nautical equipment producer is looking for a supplier of air bubble polyethylene insulation tarpaulin rolls for pools, under supplier agreement.

02.07.2021Published 1344 days ago
The French SME is a contributor to the French outdoor seating market for individuals. Located on the Atlantic coast, the company produces a full range of outdoor seating merchandise, boat covers and swimming pool air bubble insulation tarpaulins for pools. The company wants to complete its range of outdoor seats with insulating air bubble tarpaulins and wants to find an alternative to its existing supplier.

A French company, producing equipment for industrial vehicles, is searching for new distributors and importers in Europe

01.07.2021Published 1345 days ago
Ideally based in the North of France, the group has an 8 000 m² building on 36 000 m² of land where sales functions, R&D, Production, assembly and logistics are grouped. The group has nearly 140 employees spread over several French and foreign branches. Its clients are heavy duty manufacturers, distributors, importers of industrial vehicles parts such as hydraulic pumps, tipping valves, tanks, fuel pumps and all kind of body parts.

A French company, producing equipment for industrial vehicles, is searching for a company to conceive a machine to manufacture aluminium wings of industrial vehicles

01.07.2021Published 1345 days ago
Ideally based in the north of France, the group has an 8 000 m² building on 36 000 m² of land where Sales functions, R&D, Production, Assembly and Logistics are grouped. The group has nearly 140 employees spread over several French and Foreign branches, Its clients are heavy duty manufacturers, distributors, importers of industrial vehicles parts such as hydraulic pumps, tipping valves, tanks, fuel pumps and all kind of body parts.

Wireless Autonomous power supply for IoT/sensor communication

01.07.2021Published 1345 days ago
This French company belonging to a mid-cap group is renown in the development and production of electromagnetic based current monitoring products. It has developed and patented a set of induction based energy harvester technologies allowing autonomous and wireless power supply for multiple applications. The principle is to harvest the electromagnetic current produced by induction when an electrical current travels through a wire or a cable.
