A group of entrepreneurs is looking for partners with expertise in chemistry to co-develop biodegradable functional yarn prototypes from organically cultivated hemp by innovating the raw material refinement and the spinning process.

08.12.2021Published 1192 days ago
Slovakia based startup project/company organically cultivating industrial hemp and planning on developing fabric alternatives for high-end, functional textiles and textiles used in hospitality and medical industry. Organization offer is in-house expertise in business, textile production and sustainable innovation.

New method for determination of heat release rate has been developed at the university from Slovakia and now is ready for license agreement.

08.12.2021Published 1192 days ago
Heat release rate is fundamental fire characteristic of substances, materials and products. Three methods for heat release rate were known until now. The first is based on measure of temperature of combustion products. Main disadvantage of this method is complicated calibration (given by dependence of heat capacity on temperature). The second method is based on measure of mass loss and multiplication (of obtained value) by effective heat release rate.

New method of checking the fire characteristics of electric cables has been developed and in now ready for license agreement.

08.12.2021Published 1192 days ago
Reaction to fire class is the main fire characteristic (mandatory) for part of construction products and electrical cables. However determination of the reaction to fire class of electrical cables is very expensive. Created method by research team of technical university in Bratislava with the background in material technology allows reaction to fire class of electrical cables determine from photographs of their flames (during fire test). This method consists of two steps. The sample with the known reaction to fire class is tested and photographs of its flame are taken during this test.

An established Slovak research institute has developed a new type of four-bounce X-ray monochromator and is looking for licensees

06.12.2021Published 1194 days ago
The high-resolution X-ray diffraction technique is relevant for materials with a high structural ordering of basic units (atoms, molecules), which is characterized by a single three-dimensional periodic crystal lattice throughout the entire volume of the material. These are typically single crystals or epitaxially grown thin layers on a substrate.

Slovak manufacturer looking for a distributor for its vegetable drinks and yoghurts offers distribution agreement or franchise development

01.12.2021Published 1199 days ago
The young Slovak company specializes in the production of vegetable drinks (flavored almond and hazelnut drinks), flavored almond yoghurts and crunchy granola with flavor. It has been operating on the market since 2017. The company makes sure that the products are tasty, nutritionally balanced and suitable for the customers with different types of intolerancy. The basic production process is gentle pasteurization, which ensures the preservation of all important vitamins and minerals.

Slovak software company is offering a smart and secure IoT platform and is looking for partners to cooperate via commercial agency agreement or outsourcing agreement

22.11.2021Published 1208 days ago
Innovative Slovak company is active in research and development of IoT platform.

Slovak company offering aerosol extractor in CNC machining centers that protects workers' health and the environment is looking for commercial agents or distributors from Europe and beyond

22.11.2021Published 1208 days ago
A Slovak company, which is active in Slovak market already since 1999 is offering an aerosol extractor developed by the company that is intended for CNC machines in CNC machining centers. The extractors are manufactured in three sizes with different dimensioned outputs to suit a wide range of CNC machines operating in the metalworking industry. a) Extractor MS-S: designed for machines with a working space of less than 1.5 m3 b) Extractor MS-M: designed for machines with a working space from 1.5 m3 to 3 m3 c) Extractor MS-L: designed for machines with a working space greater than 3 m3 Unwante

Slovak company offering photovoltaic installation services is looking for subcontracting

12.11.2021Published 1218 days ago
The young Slovak company established in 2021 is dynamically developing company in the field of renewable energy sources. It offers services for implementations of rooftop photovoltaic power plants on the direct current side for commercial and industrial purposes and offers also post-services of photovoltaic devices. The company’s business is based on trust and an effort to ensure the most effective approach to cooperation in the implementation of projects. The company believes in meeting its expectations based on its experience to date in this area.

More efficient vibro-compressor drive

25.10.2021Published 1236 days ago
The vibrating motor works on the principle that when it is switched on, it is generated by rotating eccentric weights sinusoidal centrifugal force. A wide range of vibration motors are available on the market, with a centrifugal force ranging from 2,800 N to 6,000 N. They are used on various vibrating machines for many purposes. For example, for screening, sorting, compaction or transport. They find application in many industries.

The device for disinfection and sterilization of face masks on the face with plasma activated aerosol

25.10.2021Published 1236 days ago
In the current period, when it is on the rise pandemic coronavirus SARS-COV-2 are face masks, for example the surgical masks and respirators type of FFP2 / P2 (N95) one of the available possibilities of preventing serious COVID-19 disease. Demand for the mask on the face is constantly increasing, and thus decreases the possibility of their availability on the market. Individuals, as well as health workers continually facing the problem of reuse potentially contaminated masks.
