Device for increasing the useful life and reducing energy consumption by individual dimming in LED lamps

24.06.2021Published 1317 days ago
The Spanish company with experience in the field of lighting system, was established in 2012 and operates from the Canary Islands. The company has a solid background in visible light communications technology (VLC). The company works in the field of the telecommunication, home automation and optoelectronics. It was beneficiary of H2020 SME instrument phase 1 and phase 2, and is involved in international cooperation.project. The SME has developed a solution that solves common problems in the LED lighting sector, it conveniently regulates the operating temperature of the LED.

Spanish technology company offers whole software development life-cycle for critical systems under outsourcing agreement

24.06.2021Published 1317 days ago
The Spanish SME was born in 2005, with the aim of developing engineering services, products and solutions based on communications, control and signal intelligence. Currently, the company has 180 employees and provides services and solutions to more than 70 clients in over 20 countries with two business lines, telco & media and defence, aerospace and security.

Real-time incident response through digitalization of operations and reduction of downtime losses

21.06.2021Published 1320 days ago
Modern IT-Ops teams manage hundreds of processes on their own, and together they handle all aspects of a company. An error in one or more parts of the system can severely hamper operations, without anyone even noticing. There are many monitoring tools to help companies manage their jobs, but although they are good at detecting issues, they generate too many email notifications without any follow up, giving rise to alert fatigue and causing alerts to be missed.

Procedure by software for evaluating the joint authorship of a handwritten signature set

18.06.2021Published 1323 days ago
The university research group has previous experience in pattern recognition, document analysis and handwriting recognition, and has develop a software for validating handwritten signature. Handwritten signature is the most widely used system in the world as a means of authentication, having legal acceptance.

Extraction of bioactive compounds from plants by green technology known as extraction with pressurized water.

18.06.2021Published 1323 days ago
The Spanish research group is an interdisciplinary group in the areas of knowledge of biochemistry and engineering chemistry. This Spanish research belongs to a medium-sized Spanish university founded in 1994, housing others 76 research groups more. The university has been very active in several European research and innovation programmes (H2020 and previous FPs, LIFE, Justice, ERASMUS+, Interreg, COST, LLP, IEE, Research Fund for Coal and Steel, D. G.

Permanent magnets rotor for high-powered synchronic motors for hybrid and plug-in vehicles performance

18.06.2021Published 1323 days ago
The Spanish research group is an interdisciplinary and interuniversity group in the areas of knowledge of mechanical and electrical engineering. This Spanish research belongs to a medium-sized Spanish university founded in 1994, housing others 76 research groups more. The university has been very active in several European research and innovation programmes (H2020 and previous frame programmes, LIFE, Justice, ERASMUS+, Interreg, COST, LLP, IEE, Research Fund for Coal and Steel, D. G.

Microorganisms for the degradation of Bisphenol (BPA) for the production of probiotic foods and/or plant probiotics for its addition to phytosanitary compositions

16.06.2021Published 1325 days ago
Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical compound that is used since the 1950s to produce strong and resilient plastics. These days, BPA-containing plastics are commonly used in food containers, baby bottles, and other items. The pervasiveness of this substance, along with its analogues and derivatives, has been linked to the development of endocrine and metabolic diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, fatty liver disease, hyperactivity disorders or cancer.

Spanish wholesaler and trader of high-quality gourmet products is looking for partners under distribution and/or commercial agency agreement

15.06.2021Published 1326 days ago
The company was settled in 2016 in Santoña, a small town with a deep seafaring vocation located in Cantabria, Spain.

Spanish oak logging company is looking for partners abroad under commercial agency, manufacturing and/or distribution services agreement

15.06.2021Published 1326 days ago
This logging company, the biggest oak sawmill in Spain, is a business group committed to integral management of forests’ products. They carry on a 360º harnessing of the raw material provided by European forests. They are located in Cantabria and Burgos (Spain) in three work centers. The company manages European forests according to the principles of sustainable development, maintaining their biodiversity, productivity and regeneration capacity.

E-health hardware and software for a secure and optimal communication between doctor and patients or health professionals to provide remote support in telemedicine, assisted surgery and health education

14.06.2021Published 1327 days ago
Digital technology is advancing exponentially and its cost is plummeting. At the same time the demand for and cost of healthcare is rising, which is challenging most health economies across the world. The need to adopt technology to help meet this challenge seems obvious, but healthcare continues to lag behind other industries in using technology with service, in this case, patient and carers. In this context, this Spanish company was founded in 2014, by experts in innovative eHealth and Industry 4.0 projects.
