Consortium is looking for partners for Horizon Europe Call: Advanced materials modelling and characterisation (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2022-RESILIENCE-01-19)

11.01.2022Published 1156 days ago
The Call HORIZON-CL4-2022-RESILIENCE-01-19 requires to address the following aspects: - Develop an open repository for knowledge transfer, data sharing for integration between advanced materials characterization (material properties/functionalities) and modeling (data and physics-based, engineering modeling), allowing full interoperability between data and workflows (like for example Materials Modelling Data (MODA) or European Materials Modelling Ontology (EMMO)), with direct connection to the manufacturing process; - Develop characterization techniques supporting key European technology area

Electronics and software development of a multifunctional water meter – Partner from electronics industry sought

21.12.2021Published 1177 days ago
A small German company is specialized in water treatment for building technology and process industry. The company has long term and special knowledge in water side corrosion prevention and water treatment by use of ion-exchange resins.

Offshore aquaculture technology: mobile autonomous ocean fish farm

20.12.2021Published 1178 days ago
All coastal countries suffer from decreasing fish. The healthy ocean resources are overfished and aquaculture is increasing. However there are no sustainable and economic fish farm technologies to produce competitive seafood in the open ocean. An inventor at a German company offers a solution. He developed a one point anchored offshore fish farm that is mobile and circulates over a large area, so that no fish manure can compile under cages which would create diseases and sea lice.

Workplace management software supporting organisation and collaborative use of hybrid workplaces

16.12.2021Published 1182 days ago
The lockdowns and business interruptions of Covid-19 pandemic have fostered transformation towards digitalized and innovative workplaces. It is expected that in most companies hybrid workplaces will stay the "new normal". An increasing number of companies reduce office space and introduce desksharing concepts. Successful teamwork needs to be organised in a new way with some colleagues in office, others at home or working remotely.

Business cooperation partner sought in Greece and Cyprus for payroll, accounting, finance, tax and fiscal services under services agreement

16.12.2021Published 1182 days ago
A German company is a specialist for finance and fiscal services and support their international clients in foreign markets with local support and know-how for administrational tasks like accounting, payroll, tax or controlling. As the company relives their clients on the administrative side, the client can focus on their core businesses, when expanding on foreign markets. The German company now wants to enlarge their partners network to Greece and Cyprus and is in search for local specialists as tax consulting companies, independent accounting professionals or lawyers.

German research cluster is looking for pilot customers and partners for a robust condition monitoring system using AI based data fusion of multivariate sensors

14.12.2021Published 1184 days ago
Two German research institutes are cooperating in a cluster to develop an improved condition monitoring system. The institutes combine their expertise from non-destructive evaluation (e.g., ultrasound testing) with industrial data analytics and artificial intelligence for sensor data fusion. A condition monitoring system should provide a high sensitivity to emerging damage for predictable maintenance, robustness, and reliability of defect state classification. The cost-effective system implementation is mandatory for an economic benefit of condition monitoring.

German start-up company is searching for project opportunities within outsourcing or subcontrating agreements in the field of interactive learning scenarios, awareness raising and behaviour change

09.12.2021Published 1189 days ago
Founded in 2020 the German SME has its core competencies in “Digital Learning”, “Serious Games” and “Gamification”, and develops solutions for clients and business partners for a broad range of applications. The company is searching for project opportunities to support in the field of interactive learning scenarios, awareness raising and behaviour change. It has gained comprehensive experiences in cross-cultural project coordination in international cooperation working on a broad variety of mostly social topics.

Valorization of sidestreams containing carbohydrates - sample tests e.g. from breweries or juice and cheese producers sought to optimize process for production of protein from bacteria

09.12.2021Published 1189 days ago
Vegetarian and vegan meat or fish substitutes need to replace animal proteins with suitable alternatives. Current key source of protein are soy beans, but growing demand causes a critical environmental footprint with regard to deforestation, destruction of natural habitats and loss of biodiversity. A startup company from Northern Germany develops a new sustainable solution for production of protein from bacteria. Applications are envisaged in alternative feed and food products and pet food. The bacteria grow on carbohydrates.

Horizon Europe - HORIZON-CL6-2022-CIRCBIO-02-two-stage: An University of Applied Sciences is seeking for a (industrial) partner, who can realize the up scaling of poly(limonene)carbonate

07.12.2021Published 1191 days ago
Limonene, a compound that is produced from oranges as a by-product of the orange juicing process and which can furthermore be extracted from the peel of many citrus fruits, has attracted great interest among researchers. More than 50 wt% of fresh oranges end up as peels and other forms of waste during orange juice production and are currently used as biomass for fertilizers or for animal feed. The global orange production is about 70 Mt/a, of which around 70 t/a limonene are extracted.

Post-processing of complex shaped, additive manufactured parts with high demands on accuracy and surface integrity

07.12.2021Published 1191 days ago
A major advantage of additive manufacturing is the significantly greater design freedom in the development of new products, components or parts. Also, a growing need for components with increasing complexity and high functionality for different industrial applications exists. At this time the applicability of additive manufacturing processes is still partially limited. Especially the precision, the reliability and the achievable surface qualities often do not meet the specific requirements.
