COVID-19 - German producer of room acoustics elements with spit protection seeks distributors or agents worldwide

10.06.2020Published 1731 days ago
The German company, specialised in manufacturing of noise protection and acoustic elements, developed products for high hygiene requirements in healthcare sector, especially useful for the protection against Coronavirus and other viruses and bacteria. This newest product line has multiple features and benefits, as it is spit protection, room divider and noise protection at the same time. The elements are dirt-repellent, antibacterial, impact resistant and easy to clean. These qualities make them a perfect 3-in-1 solution in the fight against Corona and other viruses and bacteria.

A German PR and advertising agency offers support for subcontracting and outsourcing activities

08.06.2020Published 1733 days ago
The German advertising and public relations agency is specialized in services for customers producing technical products. Their full service ranges from the classic promotional tools such as corporate design, press releases and brochures of translated documentation (esp. English, Dutch) as well as an intercultural adaptation of existing campaigns and texts to the German market.

Pressure amplification technology for hydraulic cylinders

08.06.2020Published 1733 days ago
The intense-innovative technology company with headquarters in Germany and an Engineering and Production facility in Slovakia is integrating pressure amplification in hydraulic cylinders. With around 20 employees and partners it develops and manufactures cartridge pressure amplifiers which are integrated into hydraulic cylinders to increase the hydraulic pressure in the cylinder. This can result into more force and speed from the existing system or smaller system with the same parameters. Potential applications can be found in various industries, where high force is required e.g.

Covid-19: Managing Social Distance at Construction Sites

02.06.2020Published 1739 days ago
The Covid-19 crisis and safety measures are challenging to many sectors, among them the construction sector. While new safety protocols can cover standard requirements at construction sites, a dedicated production plan is needed to ensure the right distribution of workforce across the site. Workforce, as originally required, compared to workforce feasible with new guidelines needs to be thoroughly reviewed before releasing teams for any work on-site. A young German company is specialized in the digital design of construction sites and virtual simulation of their characteristics.

A small producer of ecological cleaning supplies from beetroot from Germany searches for key accounts and distributors under distribution service agreements

26.05.2020Published 1746 days ago
The company is located in the Northern part of Germany and develops and produces cleaning detergents on the basis of beetroot for 14 years. The high content of oxalic acid is combined with raw material such as organic acids and plant surfactant. These sustainable and toxin-free ingredients are used to develop a powerful cleaning product . The patented product range are worldwide unique. The unique selling point is obvious since alternative raw materials for cleaner are not yet widely used. There are no direct competitors.

German company creating digital twins mostly for transport and energy infrastructure and the manufacturing sector (automotive, aviation, others) is looking worldwide for subcontractors or commercial agency agreements with estate owners and operators

15.05.2020Published 1757 days ago
The company creates these digital twins focussing on digitisation processes in the construction industry but also for industries as transport, energy, nuclear, telecoms, maritime, aviation and security. Their clients are using the digital twins for example for visualisation and stakeholder engagement, impact assessment, scenario planning, simulation, process optimisation, training and gamification. The team is built of specialists for Building Information Modelling (BIM), geographic information systems (GIS) and games industry, with over a decade of practical experience in technical 3D appli

German enterprise offers distribution services agreements or commercial agency agreements for its high quality and made in Germany nutritional, dietary and immune system supplements for different target groups

12.05.2020Published 1760 days ago
The company has developed a portfolio of more than 50 products intended to supplement the diet and help to prevent or treat common health problems. The products have their own unique formulation, containing one or more of the following dietary ingredients: Vitamin (e.g. Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Vitamin D3); mineral (e.g. iron, zinc etc.); herb or other botanical ingredients (e.g. artichoke, black garlic, wasabi, gingko, ginseng etc.).The ingredients can also be concentrates, constituents, extracts or a combination of the above-mentioned ingredients.

A German SME is offering logistics and warehouse services in the medical device sector (Outsourcing agreement)

24.04.2020Published 1778 days ago
A Berlin-based German SME active in the field of logistics and warehousing with offices and warehouses in Berlin is offering its services to manufacturers of medical devices that are looking for logistic services. The company is ISO 13485:2012 certified for warehousing, medical device logistics and fulfillment services. The flexible service is tailored especially to the needs of small companies as the logistics provider is able to adapt to the clients’ requirements from a single delivery of goods to large, regular shipments.

Development of highly reflective light-conducting 3D lacquers - as design lacquers, for color mirrors/glasses with silver graphics, optical laser engraving - for architecture, product design, art

21.04.2020Published 1781 days ago
Among others, new techniques of the design are presented, such as lacquer graphics with clear and opaque colors and extremely sharp color separation, or mirror silver exposure, or laser macro or micro engraving. A Berlin-based creative start-up offers innovative methods for lacquer designs. It developed a spatial three-dimensionality and deep-optical reflection in a 3D double lacquer system. The system is based on a first lacquer in a lower and a second in a higher optical density, as a lacquer layer lens with magnification properties.

Method for assessing the fertilising potential of sperm by computer-aided sperm analysis

20.04.2020Published 1782 days ago
Infertiliy affects 10-15% of couples with male and female (co-) factors contributing on a similar scale. Male infertility is however often difficult to diagnose. In about 30% of infertile men the infertility seems to rest on a dysfunction of the sperm rather than on a faulty sperm production. If diagnosed at all, the mechanisms underlying sperm dysfunctions remain largely unknown, precluding an evidence-based treatment decision in reproductive medicine.
