UK manufacturer of natural biostimulants is looking for distributors selling to the agricultural trade.

18.02.2021Published 1444 days ago
The UK manufacturer and distributor has developed natural Biostimulants. The portfolio of products covers all aspects of agriculture, viticulture, horticulture, ornamental and sports application. The Biostimulants are highly complex compositions, containing a range of organic materials – but possess no live micro-organisms. The UK company is committed to ecological sustainability and understand the impending changes caused by climate change.

Next generation digital assistant technology solves speed, accuracy, cost and visual engagement challenges

17.02.2021Published 1445 days ago
In many sectors, the almost blanket adoption of smart devices automates and enables spreading of information and services. This is true for e-commerce, online learning, telehealth and so on. What is less developed is the interaction and feedback side from the customer or patient. Information delivered is usually in text format which is not engaging and it is scattered in rigid blocks in separate places. It is difficult for the person to respond to the information given.

UK company that designs, installs and supplies innovative, imaginative, internally and externally located light-emitting diode (LED) visual media displays seeks European partners.

17.02.2021Published 1445 days ago
The family owned company based in the East of England has been established since 2003. It has been offering visual media solutions meeting a wide variety of client requirements and has been a finalist in a number of business awards. Bespoke projects the company undertakes identify client needs providing them with a selection of extra large sized visual media systems as solutions. These have been installed at some well known sporting and public venues across the UK and in addition major financial institutions.

British brand of technical and fashion-based cycling clothing seeks agents and distributors in East & Southeast Asia

16.02.2021Published 1446 days ago
Formed in 2019, the British company based in Yorkshire, has become well known for its exclusive designs of soft goods for the cycling market. The company's clothing is custom manufactured from highly technical MITI fabrics, which are breathable and have four-way stretch characteristics. The products range from highly specialist cycling apparel to more fashion-based cycling clothing. The company can offer bespoke design and manufacture of as few as 10 garments to a cycling club, whilst also being able to supply the larger quantities required by a specialist sports retailer. As examples

UK provider of chemistry services seeks novel methodology and novel compounds

16.02.2021Published 1446 days ago
The UK south west based specialist chemistry services company has over 30 years experience in providing high quality intermediates, screening compounds, fragments, catalysts and ligands to international clients from the pharmaceutical, agrochemical, petrochemical and materials industries and academic research institutions.

UK company seeks partners for specialist management information software, tracking employees who work on location, under commercial agency & license agreements

16.02.2021Published 1446 days ago
UK software company established in 2018 has rapidly become established in digital end to end workflow management. They have developed a workforce tool aimed at businesses with employees working out of office, or outside on location.

UK company producing high performance polymer coating solutions is seeking partners under manufacturing, licensing and subcontracting agreements

16.02.2021Published 1446 days ago
The company was established in 1962. It produces stock shapes and finished component, with speciality polymers. It has grown to be one of the UK’s largest fluoropolymer processor and is a global supplier of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) polymer related components, engineering plastics and stock shapes.

UK designer and manufacturer of ultra filtration water purification products suitable for disaster recovery and leisure purposes seeks distributors

16.02.2021Published 1446 days ago
The UK company that was established in 2008 designs and manufactures a selection of water purification products that it currently supplies into retail outlets and for military and humanitarian applications. The smallest product is the size of a sports bottle and will deliver up to 2000 litres of safe drinking water – this is is the world’s first inline pump and water purifier combined. Product range offers portable filters from bottles to jerrycans and there are two static units for community use or off grid living. Products are designed and manufactured in the United Kingdom.

UK company offering support packages for substance and alcohol misuse seeks outsourcing agreements

12.02.2021Published 1450 days ago
This North East based company’s projects and initiatives are derived from a blend immense experience and customer demand, in what is a very complicated and often mismanaged subject.

Covid-19 – a hand held UV-C lamp for sanitisation of workplaces

12.02.2021Published 1450 days ago
A UK company is introducing in Europe a new hand held UV-C lamp. Disinfection with ultra-violet irradiation like UV-C has been known for decades. So far, it has entailed permanent fixtures in healthcare establishments, food production facilities and elsewhere. It is preferable over chemical and mist producing solutions in that it leaves no chemicals. Also, the irradiation destroys the genetic info inside the particles and the damage is irreversible. It has been difficult to produce a mobile device as they have struggled with the power/weight ratio. The new product has the balance right.
